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Archives: | Older than 2013 |
Simplicity of the line, a dot, or a drip. Each with an expression of life. The conversations that occur within each moment expressed in terms that are an easy entry into the sub-conscience.
Love Garden; 48×48; oil, acrylic on canvas
Pink; 48×48; oil, acrylic on canvas
Whoa!; 30×30; oil, acrylic on canvas
Dimensions; 30×30; oil, acrylic on canvas
Seeding; 40×30; oil, acrylic on canvas
Sweet Memories 1; 10×10; oil, acrylic on canvas
Sweet Memories 2; 10×10; oil, acrylic on canvas
Sweet Memories 4; 15×15; oil, acrylic on canvas
Sweet Memories 3; 10×10; oil, acrylic on canvas
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