Books: Our Ever Changing World

*Art is passion exposed.

NOTE: The “Our Ever Changing World” books can now be found on Amazon HERE

A series of books that document space/ time/ location/ gravitational pull. This series “Through the Eyes of Artists” reflect interaction with and about artists and is intended to answer questions I’ve carried around with me for awhile. All having to do with the art world and the who, what, why, how, when of the miracle of artists.

A Series of Books about Artists… that promote Artists as vehicles of Change.

Find Karrie’s Art Books HERE

The project originated with my desire to create an installation piece, a “something” that the meaning of furthers the magic I feel about artists. I thought long and hard, came up with many different ideas of how to fill a space up but everything I did was about me, my art and my story…and I didn’t feel a satisfaction inside. THEN, I realized that I am a book designer, that is what I do for my living that allows me to create art. PERFECT! was the word I heard.

And the process began, the gathering of the whats to be done…and the how what I create will further the magic of Art and Artists…Any further books will be 5.5 x 8.5 and each will have writing that will answer different questions… at this time,  based on my crowd dynamic concept producing at least one book a year.

My intention is for the stories the artists share, will create a paradigm shift in those who read about them and learn about the variety of feelings, visionary insights, art process, mediums, personal histories and more that each artist brings to the world, one piece of art at a time.

With each page, each artist takes you to another place of question and seeing the importance of art and their sharing about in the art they create.

I hope you’ll join me and a few of the artists as we share the project with you.

#1 Our Ever Changing World: Through the  Eyes of Artists: “What Are You Saving From Extinction?”

#2 Our Ever Changing World: Through the  Eyes of Artists: “Couples and Collaboration.”

#3 Book Three is currently being reconsidered.

#4 Our Ever Changing World: Through the  Eyes of Artists: “Artists, ART & Story: Southern California

#5 Our Ever Changing World: Through the  Eyes of Artists: Idle Chatter: What’s in Your Cupboard/Shelf/Drawer?

#6 Our Ever Changing World: Through the  Eyes of Artists: Best of 2016 ART & Story California

#7 Our Ever Changing World: Through the  Eyes of Artists: Best of 2017 ART & Story United States

#8 Our Ever Changing World: Through the  Eyes of Artists: Signs of the Times: The Woman’s March, Los Angeles,CA 2017 by Ann Marie Rousseau

#9 Our Ever Changing World: Through the  Eyes of Artists: Artists of the High Desert


The “Our Ever Changing World” books can now be found at Find Karrie’s Art Books HERE

Praise for the Books

Here is the launch post for the book April 29, 2016


“Received the book yesterday. I applaud you for your accomplishment of assembling all these stories of artists. I am honored to be in the book. ”
~Thank you, Marla

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