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- Left to right: Rhythm, Metaphysics, Risk, Freedom Serenity, Passion Portriats: 72″ x 26″; mixed media on canvas by Karrie Ross
- Spiral Series: Self Portraits: “Risk” by Karrie Ross; 72″ x 26″; mixed media on canvas
- SOLD: Spiral Series: Self Portraits: “Serenity” by Karrie Ross; 72″ x 26″; mixed media on canvas
- Spiral Series: Self Portraits: “Metaphysics” by Karrie Ross; 72″ x 26″; mixed media on canvas
- Spiral Series: Self Portraits: “Freedom” Hippie tendencies by Karrie Ross ; 72″ x 26″; mixed media on canvas
- SOLD: Spiral Series: Self Portraits: “Rhythm/Energy” by Karrie Ross ; 72″ x 26″; mixed media on canvas
- Portriats: “Wisdom”; 72″ x 26″; mixed media on canvas by Karrie Ross
- Portriats: “Passion”; 72″ x 26″; mixed media on canvas by Karrie Ross
- Portrait Series hanging for 6months at Muddy Leek in Culver City, CA: Each is 26 x 72; oil, acrylic, pencil, collage fabric on canvas.
A series of Self Portraits by Karrie Ross: An Exploration of Self Discovery Through Artistic Expression.
NOTE: Available to be viewed by appointment only. They are offered as original art as well as embellished giclees on a variety of mediums. Please contact me to set up a time. contact info here
I always wanted to paint my portrait… but up until now, that meant I would have to paint my face… then, one day it dawned on me… I’m energy and emotions and and and… not JUST A FACE! So I proceeded on with this concept, taking from the previous Spiral Series imagery. I’ve embellished these self portraits with collage, pearlescent and metalic paint, added 3D objects and basically “took-off” on tangents that blend with my personal energies and experiences and named them accordingly so the viewer gets a deeper connection with me.
I decided to use a standardized image of a body over the full first seven (7) images in the series. This “body” would then be taken to the energy/emotion visual I chose and painted t0 share the wonder/fascination/amazement I have for the energy with you, the viewer.
There are seven in the series at the time of this writing.
1. Risk: started off as being named “sex” and as it progressed, layer upon layer of new elements used to create a balance, the greater the risk that something might not be able to be brought into the balance for the piece… and it then became ‘risk’.
2. Serenity: SOLD (was created at the same time as “Risk” ) I love my “energy blooms” sub-set from the Spiral Series… so I decided to use them on this as a vine traveling up the body creating a caressing look and feeling.
3. “Freedom: Hippie Tendencies”: (was started at the same time as “Serenity” and took much longer to complete due to the uniqueness of the technique involved.) Drawing (literally) from reaching my teens in the 1960s “Freedom” explores an application of a denim jacket embellished with paint and felt pens and sealed to the environment. The neck and head take a journey that explores line and shapes seeping out into the background of circles and assorted happy faces.
4. Metaphysics: (was created after “Risk” and “Serenity” and while “Freedom: Hippie Tendencies” and “Rhythm / Energy” were in process.) The intricacies of the unknown, the things that are hidden until seen fascinates me… this painting explores my fascination through the use of the Spiral Series sub-set, “Beyond the Veil”. What do you see?
5. “Rhythm” / Energy SOLD (started after “Freedom: Hippie Tendencies”) The magic of the vibration. From music or art, brins to our lives an awareness of comfort and discomfort. If we say something and feel a “tinge” maybe we said something to hurt another… the energy vibration, our personal rhythm makes us aware of this…
6. Wisdom / Flow
7. Passion
What is so unique about these images…HOW TO USE IN DECOR
These images are literally life size… when you stand next to them it’s as though you can have a conversation with them. I see these as being an Interior designers dream come true for that something very special…
- Reproduce as embellished archival pigment fine art reproductions on canvas for that traditional painting image.
- Print on paper and frame for a more contemporary look, even vary the size and display the complete set.
- Print them on plexi and hang several in a row with floor to ceiling windows behind them, or print on aluminum and with the right hardware hang on a bathroom, office, closet or bedroom door.
- Use as dividers and that Wow! appeal everyone is looking for…
- I can even be commissioned to paint original pieces of art “portraits” of your clients to customize their house or office… can’t you just see his and her closet doors!
- Or a conference room with these welcoming the guests in…?
- OR that full wall of little 8×8 or larger cropping of the individual “boobies” and “heads” as sets or multiple canvas arrangements.
- AND of course, purchase the original for that very special focus piece that will make your room…
- Don’t forget to check out the other paintings in my Spiral Series… there are over 60 pieces ranging from 8″x8″ up to 4’x5′ and I’m working on a 5’x7′.