2013 – 03 I decided to sell my Bebuddies…
Each new year as well as new time of life bring changes that when we see them and accept them and then take action to make them happen can bring us some amazing energy vibrations and a new perspective paradigm shift.
I’ve decided to sell of my line of characters, The Bebuddies. This is a big thing for me and it’s taken quite a few years to get to the place where I can see that I need to let them go. I can only hope that there is someone out there who see’s their life the way I do and purchase them. I’m gathering up the contacts I’ve made over the past 8 years and sending out email notices. Time will tell if they get a new home.
This happens in my paintings too. Over the years I’ve explored many different mediums from pen and ink, acrylic, oil, iron sculpture, ceramics, watercolor and mixed all of them together. I love the fact that I need to research all the ways they can be used. Process is so important. I love to see how the first couple of pieces turn out and where I explore after them… and if I take the exploration further. After all, sometimes it just doesn’t work out and in most cases then I just paint over the canvas and start a new piece.
As in art in life.
the journey never ending
wonder and delight
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Karrie Ross is a California Fine Artist who writes about the fine art business and process. She is available for educational panel discussions on her fine art and process and/or interactive workshops where you can explore your artist-within. Her artwork is available for solo or group show, installations and public art opportunities. Please contact her at email for more information.