Spiral Series: Energy Blooms: “Expanding” by Karrie Ross; 24″ x 18″; mixed media on box canvas, rough edges
Awarded an Honorable Mention in the show: Energy Blooms: “Expanding”.
The Topanga Canyon Gallery 2011 Juried Open has selected the Spiral Series: Energy Blooms: “Expanding” to be included in the Annual Awards Show. This years show was juried by Craig Krull, owner Craig Krull Gallery, Bergamot Station.
The Show can be viewed from January 12 through February 6, 2011.
The Artist Reception and Awards is on January 23, 2-5pm at the Gallery.
The Energy Blooms series sub-set ‘happened’ with the purchase of a new brush. Oh, how I love brushes and this one called to me from across the art store… from of all things, the sale table! When I saw it, I thought, “How could a brush like “this” be on sale?” I picked it up, played with it on my hand, face, and the table. Held it close and at then the end finding a balance. I then started applying imaginary paint to an air canvas. I fell in love and bought it…the brush!
“Expanding” was the first to be painted in the Energy Bloom sub-set… but it wasn’t drawn on until about 4 pieces later. Being the first try with my new brush, I wasn’t as happy with the form of the black paint at first. So after lots of watching it and painting other paintings, I began seeing it’s unique to the sub-set energy show up. The movement this sub-set gets hits on every level and many people have commented on this to me.
I hope you’ll stop by and say hi on the 23rd. OR call me with any questions and set up a time to view my work in person or buy from my site. I live in Los Angeles.
With Energy!
Karrie Ross
Los Angeles Fine Artist