Karrie Ross at the Gallery

I’m showing my new work at the Topanga Canyon Gallery  ” PHOtO GLaSS PAiNT” featuring artwork by Karrie Ross, Felice Willat, Farideh Azad. The show dates are October 3 thru 28 and the Opening Reception and Silent Auction; is Saturday, October 6th, 3-6pm.  ARTIST Talk, Sunday, October 28th; 2-5pm. Please check the News page for further information.

I’ll be showing artwork from the My Trees Talking; and a variety of smaller works from Energy Blooms, Sprial Series, Birds Talking; Drop Dot.

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Be sure to sign up HERE for my art updates of my website.

Show Reception and Auction : Saturday;  October 6th; 3-6pm

Artist Talk : Sunday; October 28th; 2-5pm

At the Topanga Canyon Gallery; Pine Tree Circle; 120 N. Topanga Canyon Blvd., Suite 109; Topanga, CA 90290


Karrie Ross is a Los Angeles Fine Artist who writes about the fine art business and process. She is available for educational panel discussions on her fine art and process. Her artwork is available for solo or group show opportunities. Please contact her  for more information.