Chicago Billboard Project getting Breast Awareness images by Karrie Ross
Chicago Billboard Project. Ten cropped enlarged images from the Spiral Series bustiers and portraits have been chosen for the Chicago Billboard Project to air the whole month of October 2011. I choose to add the words “Breast Awareness” as October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. And my images have a lot to do with breasts….the portraits emphasize them and the bustiers are all about them, the internal (back copy) and external (front artwork) dialogue that goes on.
I’m excited about this project, wish I could be there to see them ‘live’ in full size. There are not many things that can top the feeling of seeing ones art out in the world larger than life… here’s looking forward to more opportunities to show my artwork in similar displays. See samples below of other images in this display.
These pieces will be on display interspersed among advertising along with the other artwork that was chosen. Some tricks to billboards, have a compelling image and large enough type for the words that are being used so that it can be read easily and quickly… and hopefully without danger to the motorists driving by.

Chicago Billboard Project getting Breast Awareness images by Karrie Ross
Schedule of Artist Showing:
Week 1
Al Wildey, Alexandra Lee, Andrea Lantz, Barbara Lantz, Becky Aguilar, Brenda Kofford, Connie Wolfe, David DuFault, Doug Siefken, Faern, Flavio Galván, Industry of the Ordinary, Jeff Mendenhall, Joelle McTigue, Joseph Church, Lori Lipsman, Lynn Cazabon, Michael Vickers,Rob Carter, Sally Sachs
Week 2
Amy Pleasant, Begi, Britanny Ransom, Chau Dang, Claudia Lynch, Coalfather, Ellen Mueller Ginny Huo,Harriete Estel Berman, Hue Park, Ione Citrin, June Bisantz, Karrie Ross, Kiyomi, Leo Kogan, Luisa Pulido, Marcellous Lovelace, Seeking Kali, Susan Riegel, Takebackchicago
Week 3
Aaron Raymer, Amanda Grieve, Brian Nogues, Carrie Brady, Deborah Maris Lader, Gary Duehr, Ginny Gaura, Heather Dewey-Hagborg, Heysook Cho, John Cizmar, Jonathon Levy,Nicholas Economos, Oliver Pauk, Shane Anderson, Sharon Hart, Warwick Eede, Kendra Larson, Les Mayers, Lisa Graham, Mairin Hartt, Michael Burton,
Week 4
Andres Hernandez , Channel Two, CJ Hungerman,Claire Accardo, Connie J. Frisch-Cherniak, Francine Lecercq, Ginny Lloyd, Gregory Kaplowitz, Happy Accidents, Jen Mitsuko, Kelsey Bosch, Kyle Humphrey, Laura F. Gibellini, Lee Aulson,Maria Creyts, Michele Guieu,Samantha Hookway, Sarah Rehmer, Simone Bailey, Terry Ward , Travis Janssen
Wow. That is the best news ever. They will look wonderful up there on those GIANT billboards. Congratulations.