OCCCA @ 40 An Online Exhibition with a selection of artists, past and present, who have exhibited at OCCCA HERE To find the work of an artist, scroll down and type the name in “Search artists” Exhibition dates: June 6 – July 25, 2020. About the OCCCA @ 40 Online Exhibition and Sale. 40 never looked so good! The Orange County Center for Contemporary Art’s 40th year anniversary celebration can be seen online HERE.
My piece “EGGs Traveling Through Time”; 2019; 72×72; mixed media on arches. Was selected to be part of the exhibition. The nine squares are moments in the journey, think of it as a tic-tac-toe layout of being able to transverse in any direction at any time in many spaces. Light reflecting on the big EGGs in the middle as a grounding balance like in the feng shui bagua where the yin yang symbol is positioned. Another moment in the metaphorical representation of life’s echoing vibrational pull.

EGGs Traveling Through Time; 2019; 72z72; mixed media on arches.
OCCCA’s fabulous four-decade history is testimony to the many talented artists who have participated in its exhibitions. Relax and enjoy OCCCA@40. Seductive, surprising, and inspiring, OCCCA@40 is an online exhibition not to be missed.
Artists included in the exhibition “OCCCA@40”:
Hila Abada, Janet Inez Adams, Christopher Ahn, Bardene Allen, Hugo Almanza, Evalynn J. Alu, Jeff Alu, Stephen Anderson, A.S. Ashley, Ingrid Aubry, Nadia Baker, Jenny E. Balisle, Guillermo Bejarano, Linda Belden, Daiva Bergman Harris, Kevin Bernstein, Dorothy Birsic, Jackson Boelts, Richard Bohn, Arthur Bollon, Kurt Brizzolara, Leslie Brown, Martin Bustamante, Adam Casper, Mary Chabre, Victoria Chapman, Jean Clarke, Annie Clavel, Michael Coakes, Joelle Cooperrider, Sheila Daube, Leslie D. Davis, Skeith DeWine, Malcolm Easton, Scotty Escobar, Miaad Eshraghi, Michael Falzone, Hadiya Finley, Joseph Fleming, Diana Frawley, Dwora Fried, Jeffrey Frisch, Steven Fujimoto, Susan Gale, Judy Gardner, Christa Gearhart Denney, Suvan Geer, Scott Gengelbach, Gina Genis, Pamela Grau, Emily Halpern, Karen Hansen, Sharon Hardy, Richard Helmick, Crystal Henry, Barbara Higgins, Doro Hofmann, Bryan Ida, Beverly Jacobs, Jake Jacobs, Marina Joyce, Duygu Kivanc, Sherry Karver, Melanie Kehoss, Colleen M Kelly, Johannes Knoops, David Koeth, Mark Krawczynski, J. J. L’Heureux, Lily La Bare, Ingrid Lahti, Tom Lamb, Susan Lane, Lance Larson, Laura Larson, Evan Larson-Voltz, Michael Lasater, Malaika Latty, Donna Letterese, Geoffrey Levitt, Mark Leysen, Tanya Lin, Patricia Liverman, Jacalyn Lopez Garcia, Jerielyn Mao, Karena Massengill, Stuart McCall, Dan McCormack, Susan Melly, Sylvia Méluzin, Valerie Metz, Rob Mintz, Andrea Moni, Nancy Mooslin, Richard Newman, Michael Nguyen, Carol Orzack, Christy Park, Vivian Patton, Ann Phong, Dalibor Polivka, Donnal Poppe, Gleah Powers, Robin Repp, Robert Repp, Mila Reynaud, Michael Rich, J. Rosenbaum, Ellen Rosenberg, Karrie Ross, Brian Row, Claire Salvo, Angela Sanders, Ellen Seefeldt, Helen Seigel, Gareth Seigel, Star Shields, Soheila Siadate, Paul Silkowski, Mario Sostre, Robin Street-Morris, Hirotaka Suzuki, Sarah Sweeney, Halil Turker, Rhonda Urdang, Maureen Vastardis, Meaghan Webber, Kurt Weston, Richard Wynne, Carolyn Yarnell, Darlyn Susan Yee, Jana Zimmer, Susan Zimmerman, Jim Zver.
Orange County Center for Contemporary Art: Begun by artists in 1980 with exhibitions free to the public, OCCCA, the Orange County Center for Contemporary Art, is a 501(c) 3 non-profit, all-volunteer, artist-run gallery located in the heart of the Santa Ana Artists Village. OCCCA presents exhibitions of contemporary art, along with concerts, performances, art classes, symposiums, and publications.